You are invited to a FREE generative AI workshop taught by Sree Sreenivasan – former Chief Digital Officer of New York; Met Museum and Columbia University; former Columbia Journalism School professor; cofounder & CEO of Digimentors — visiting from NYC.
Hosted by Redhill. Refreshments will be served.
Open to all experience levels in any industry.
Guests welcome, but everyone must RSVP individually.
We will cover:
* What generative AI is.
* Why it is useful.
* Why it is scary.
* Use cases.
* Live demo.
TESTIMONIAL: "A session with Sree cut through all the hype and misunderstanding of A.I. and provided some practical tools that I could put to immediate use." — Joel Dreyfuss, former senior editor at Fortune magazine, after attending Sree's Paris workshop in July 2023.
BACKGROUND: Digimentors CEO and pioneering digital expert Sree Sreenivasan is building a new world tour speaking on AI. In 2018, his social media speaking tour hit 45 cities in 20 countries.
ABOUT SREE: Sree Sreenivasan is an expert and scholar in digital communications based in New York City. He is CEO and co-founder of Digimentors, a digital, social, events and training consultancy [ & brochure:].
He has served as Chief Digital Officer of New York City, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Columbia University, where he was a full-time professor of journalism for 20+ years.
Since 2022, he has served on the board of Nobel Prize Foundation Outreach. In 1994, he co-founded SAJA, the South Asian Journalists Association, and in 1999, ONA, the Online News Association.
In 2015, Fast Company named him one of the 100 most creative people in business and in 2010, he was named one of the 35 most influential people in social media by the Poynter Institute. In 2014, he was named world's most influential CDO by CDO Club.
Sree can be reached at [email protected]
Click here to register.