Please join us for a guided tour of Raffles in Southeast Asia: Revisiting the Scholar and Statesman at the Asian Civilisations Museum. This is the bicentennial year of Singapore’s establishment in 1819 as a British port by Sir Stamford Raffles, an official of the British East India Company. Over time, Raffles has been viewed as a scholarly expert on the region, a progressive reformer, a committed imperialist, and even a plagiarist. Author of “The History of Java” and an avid collector of natural history and cultural materials, Raffles has been viewed as a scholarly expert on the region, as well as a progressive reformer, an imperialist, and even a plagiarist. This exhibition presents a multilayered portrayal of Raffles while presenting the rich cultural heritage of Java and the Malay world.
Date: Friday, March 22 at 7pm
Location: Asian Civilisations Museum, 1 Empress Place, Singapore 179555
Costs: Please purchase your own ticket before the tour ($12 for Singaporeans and PRs, $20 for foreigners, $15 for students)
RSVP and Contact: Jenni Lee, [email protected]
7:00pm: Purchase your ticket at the reception counter in the lobby.
7:15pm: Meet in lobby for docent tour of the Raffles Exhibition.
8:30pm: Drinks and bites on the river at Prive@ACM.
Please note a maximum of 20 people can be accommodated for this tour.